Zone Files
Zone Files
Hey all, need some help. I'm currently unable to zone into West Commons due to a missing zone file. Is there somewhere I can update that? I didn't see any posts that relate to what i'm dealing with. Any help would be greatly apprecaited, as i'm unable to progress on my mage epic until I can fix this issue. TYIA!
Re: Zone Files
The only thing i can suggest is redownloading the RoF2 client and moving the files you need or just using that new install to play the game and just moving your character UI files.
Re: Zone Files
Ugh, I was afraid of that. Any chance you could do me a solid and link me a good source for RoF2?
Re: Zone Files
posting files can get me a ban which I don't want but you can just google: rof2 client ez server
Re: Zone Files
Hello! I'm having a similar issue. I've downloaded several clean ROF2 clients and they all seem to be missing files for west commons. I attempted to zone into west commons and now my charter is stuck. Any advice would be appreciated.
Re: Zone Files
After 3 days I found one that worked!