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Shackle of Rock Quest - fingered skeleton not dropping

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 18:14
by jsgropp

I am attempting the Whistling Fists quest, and to that end, I need to do the iksar monk shackle quests. I'm currently stuck at the 3rd which requires a four different bony fingers dropped by the "fingered skeleton" in Kurn's basement. I've killed him now probably over ten times, and each time he ONLY drops a burynai hide mask. Is this a bug or am I just terribly unlucky?


Re: Shackle of Rock Quest - fingered skeleton not dropping

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 18:40
by poru
Just bad luck.

The monk epic has been completed many times on Casual Dreams.

Keep trying!

Re: Shackle of Rock Quest - fingered skeleton not dropping

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 17:41
by jsgropp
Oh, okay, great! Back to the grind, then!
Is the Whistling Fists quest considered a monk epic? I've heard many times that all the epic quests can be done (just about done with mine!) but didn't know if many people did Whistling Fists in addition.