Search found 2 matches

by kallafon
03 Feb 2019 14:55
Forum: Petition
Topic: Necromancer epic
Replies: 2
Views: 7896

Re: Necromancer epic

Thank you for getting back to me Poru. That will be a lesson learned on my other characters 😊
by kallafon
16 Jan 2019 15:50
Forum: Petition
Topic: Necromancer epic
Replies: 2
Views: 7896

Necromancer epic

Hopefully you can help me here. I completed the part where you fight 3 different mobs starting with the Bone Golem. The last mob dropped the symbol of insanity but I handed it over to Kazen Fecae instead of Drendico Metalbones. Could you please look into this for me. Keep up the great work :) Necro ...