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Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 21 Oct 2016 04:42
by Varthak
Hi, I just killed Vallon Zek, the most annoying boss of PoTimeB :lol: and he left no corpse because he died from my DoTs while I was FD'ing from his Tactical Strike.

Could this be prevented somehow? While we're at it, could the effect be removed or increase its delay? :oops:

Re: Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 21 Oct 2016 13:02
by poru
This is a "feature" as old as EQ itself.

Just bad luck, really. I haven't had it happen to me yet, but sometimes the timing just doesn't work out.

Re: Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 21 Oct 2016 13:09
by Varthak
The problem is that this server features soloable content, and thus it highly increases the chances of this thing happening, which is a problem when it takes you a couple of hours or more to get to him.

Is it possible to heal him if he dies with no aggro list? Just for Vallon Zek, and maybe a 10% of his HPs.

Re: Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 22 Oct 2016 03:42
by Rayne
Perhaps a workaround is to refrain from dotting when Vallon is low on health. Dot heavy classes can nuke (lifetap) and/or use DS / weapon procs to finish off the mob and eliminate such an eventuality (you might also box and retain aggro on the second character, but this isn't necessary). It can be considered as part of the strategy for dot classes to engage VZ.

Not every class will engage every mob with the same efficiency, even on a solo server, avoiding dots when VZ nears death might be considered in the same breath.

Re: Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 22 Oct 2016 04:12
by Varthak
That would solve the corpse issue, but not the fact that Vallon Zek is not a fun fight when you spend 70% of the time on the ground (and I'm only missing 4% stun resist).

You have to kill VZ out of his melee range to avoid dying due to the 85% fail chance on his FD. That, as a melee is a huge reduction in DPS. If you add the fact that most of the time you're just staring at the screen watching your character lie on the ground, you end up with a very unpleasant fight. If after 40 minutes (not sure on timing) he doesn't even leave a corpse, you can't help but rage a bit :lol: .

Re: Vallon Zek, no corpse if FD

Posted: 22 Oct 2016 04:54
by Rayne
Unfortunately to remove the FD now would mean that every past fight fought by others would be diminished (I have personally killed him countless times over many months). A soloable server doesn't necessary mean every fight should be easy, nor pleasant (it is EQ afterall, lots of things were unpleasant if you think about it, though many of those have been removed here). As I said previously, not all classes engage a mob with the same efficiency, and I don't mind this fight on my ranger =D.

I completely understand the rage part. I've personally had Quarm drop just as my instance expired (and I mean LITERALLY! I had the 5 minute warning when Quarm was around 12% at the time. Was the first time I ever decided to split my time instance up and I came back to finish the next day without considering the lockout timer), I didn't even get the chance to loot before I was booted back to PoK and locked out. These scenarios can and do happen.