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Loot Table Clarification for SK Epic

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:42
by Kemofup
Can anyone confirm that Soul Leech drops from Dread, Fright, and/or Terror in Plane of Fear, or does it only drop from Cazic-Thule himself? I have seen some mixed reports that (on live servers, at least) it originally dropped from CT only, but was revamped to drop from the three golems sometime around the Velious timeframe. I am not sure whether Casual Dreams has the revamped loot tables or not. I suspect that it does based on other items they are dropping, but I've killed Dread, Fright and Terror 10 times each and have not seen it drop once.

I'm not quite geared/leveled enough to handle CT. Just trying to figure out if I should keep camping the golems or if I need to abandon this for now and come back when I can handle CT.

Thanks for any info!

Re: Loot Table Clarification for SK Epic

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 21:41
by Kemofup
As is tradition with these things, the very next time I killed Dread he dropped Soul Leech for me.

Leaving this here in case anyone runs into the same desperation...