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Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 01 Jun 2017 21:21
by PabstObanCD1
I didn't even notice the reverse damage Shield.

Just had Warrior auto attack tank it and ranger pew pew'd him down.

Guess it's a gear/aa check.

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 17:15
by Emphyrio
Soloed easily whole VT with mage at lvl 63 with no AA and pre Luclin gear (except Marsinger range item, and augmentations and extra epic in charm). It was just long, so many trash and long boss fights.
I couldn t dispel the reverse damage shield from my pet as I didn t have pet affinity yet (and the spurn potion is group cure, not targeted like serious health), but I could prevent him from gaining back health with constant nuking and do some damage whenver the debuff wore off. And eventually at some point he puts a mark instead of the reverse damage shield. Leave the mark on as it heals him way less, he wont overwrite it.

So with wizard with the possibility to remove the debuff with potions it should be easy too.
With melee with only pre luclin gear and no AA I imagine it must be challenging and you might need to have really farmed a lot in tov/VP for best stuff.