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[VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 02:19
by Chalne
So, Blob1 in VT has this annoying reverse damage shield proc (+200pt Mark of Karn-like). The proc is unresistable and single target. But since the mob flurries and triple attacks, a solo player would have to produce upwards of 1000dps just to cancel the debuff out. This is not realistic with the expansions available to us right now, and certainly not when you enter VT at an appropriate level with appropriate gear (I am in a mix of Sleepers/North ToV/AoW/Ssra).

Normally if you can't kill blob1 you're screwed, since his death despawns the warders blocking your way to the next set of bosses. I am unsure whether Blob1 is actually needed to progress further into the zone on Casual Dreams. I had to gate out after engaging and did not fancy clearing all the way up to the first set of warders to test it out. I might give it a try later today.

Suggestion: change Blob1's proc to something else. I know you can't introduce custom spells for this mob, without having to distribute a new spells file for people on the server, so that's out. Maybe, in keeping with the theme of the zone give him an AE silence or gravity flux instead (since that would be much like the other named in VT) - this would preserve his challenge level, but also make him killable.

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 01:03
by pnakotos
:S you need better gear i guess...

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 01:49
by poru
Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek is very soloable. Many people have solo cleared VT on Casual Dreams.

But VT is the end of the road for easy mode on Casual Dreams. You need to use strategy, potions, clickies, everything.

Find the Potion of Spurn Affliction on a Casual Dreams vendor and use it to dispell the curse every time it lands.

Going forward you will find you use almost as many Potions of Spurn Affliction as Potions of Serious Healing for some bosses.

Have fun! :D

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 02:18
by Chalne
poru wrote:Find the Potion of Spurn Affliction on a Casual Dreams vendor and use it to dispell the curse every time it lands.

Going forward you will find you use almost as many Potions of Spurn Affliction as Potions of Serious Healing for some bosses.

Have fun! :D
Yeah, having hunted in Ssra for many levels, I've already drunk my fair share of those. The problem is that the proc is not curable, I tried (unless the Radiant Cure effect gets better with levels maybe?).

But in any case, thanks for the answer poru. If you feel the zone is truly soloable, I'll go back and try again to play around with a few ideas :)

Oh, and I am having fun. Don't mistake my many bug reports for a lack of fun being had :)
:S you need better gear i guess...
Yes I do. Which is why I was in VT in the first place. I could skip VT and just got plow the elemental planes, go to time and gear up. Then come back and claim my victory. That misses the point of soloing VT at an appropriate level, with appropriate gear

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 15:38
by poru
Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek's curse can be cured but he recasts it a lot. You have to cure it a lot or you'll never get past him without Time gear.

I intentionally leave this mob as-is. He's the eye-opener for what's to come. This is a solo server, not an easy server. But even The Sleeper has been solo'd so trust me, it is doable. Just keep at it.

Casual hardcore. Leveling up is easy enough but many raids are tough. You have to prepare and use the right strategy.

It helps to search the net for boss fights you aren't familiar with. Find out what their spells/procs do and plan accordingly.

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 18:58
by Chalne
I went back in. With a better plan and a couple of hundred cure potions. You were absolutely right that the proc can be cured, it just takes anywhere from 1 to 5 casts to do it, which is a bit of a tall order doing solo - I had my rogue with me so interrupts weren't much of an issue for my team. The fight took probably 30 minutes of panicked hot button clicking, but I managed to kill him.

Next roadblock is Diabo Xi Xin Thall, same proc but also rampages :evil: though I think I have a plan for that.

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 19:19
by Aniac
If I had an adventure point for everytime I have heard...."XYZ mob is un-soloable!" In reality the phrase should read....XYZ mob is un-soloable, by my charachter at this level/HP/AC/Saves/Gear/AA... For me it would read: Corinav is un-soloable, by my 65 rogue with 12,600HP and over 500 AA's.

To be fair to Chalne, I said the same thing, mostly to myself, as I died over and over to certain mobs....until I didnt.

I distinctly remember several fights with Blob1, where cure or not, I couldnt kill him. I cant remember if I even have to cure against Blob1 now.

I consider VT loot to be about on par with VP items, both of which are below PoTime. You may not have a smooth experience if you go to higher end zones in the same order as a raiding guild would on live. If you take a more frenetic approach and bounce around you might be suprised at what you can do.

I am unsure whether Blob1 is actually needed to progress further into the zone on Casual Dreams
Somewhat of a trick question. The answer is no, you do not need to kill Blob1 to make it past the warders, however, you likely need to be a rogue with Shroud of Stealth. You DO need to kill Blob1, to bring the warders down and progress normally thru Vex Thal. If you do not, you either wont see AHR, or you will get the more frequently DT'ing version of her, which I think also has a shit loot table.
But since the mob flurries and triple attacks, a solo player would have to produce upwards of 1000dps just to cancel the debuff out. This is not realistic with the expansions available to us right now
I disagree. :twisted:


Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 04:50
by Chalne
Aniac wrote:If I had an adventure point for everytime I have heard...."XYZ mob is un-soloable!" In reality the phrase should read....XYZ mob is un-soloable, by my charachter at this level/HP/AC/Saves/Gear/AA... For me it would read: Corinav is un-soloable, by my 65 rogue with 12,600HP and over 500 AA's.

To be fair to Chalne, I said the same thing, mostly to myself, as I died over and over to certain mobs....until I didnt.

I distinctly remember several fights with Blob1, where cure or not, I couldnt kill him. I cant remember if I even have to cure against Blob1 now.

I consider VT loot to be about on par with VP items, both of which are below PoTime. You may not have a smooth experience if you go to higher end zones in the same order as a raiding guild would on live. If you take a more frenetic approach and bounce around you might be suprised at what you can do.
True. What is soloable will obviously depend on the character trying to do the soloing. Which is why I keep emphasizing in appropriate gear, at the appropriate level. For VT, the appropriate level would be 60, and the appropriate gear would be ST, NToV and SSra pieces. The revamped VP could be included here, though from what I saw there last night I would put VP after VT gear wise. You aren't going to see many 100+ HP items in VT until deep into the second floor, while in VP I literally walked right up to Hoshkar and ganked him for 3 pieces of 125+ HP loot. The mobs in VP hit much, much harder than in VT, but have much more negotiable mechanics, so might end up being easier to do in the long run.

But you are absolutely right, that given the choice it might be wise to skip ahead some and come back later with a bit better gear. This is also what we saw on live. Guilds would steer clear of mobs like AoW until late into the Luclin expansion. Coirnav was also a massive roadblock (as was the Rathe Council), which pretty much ensured that any guild who entered time would have elemental armor coming out of their ears from farming tier4 dry for so long.
Aniac wrote:
Chalne wrote:I am unsure whether Blob1 is actually needed to progress further into the zone on Casual Dreams
Somewhat of a trick question. The answer is no, you do not need to kill Blob1 to make it past the warders, however, you likely need to be a rogue with Shroud of Stealth. You DO need to kill Blob1, to bring the warders down and progress normally thru Vex Thal. If you do not, you either wont see AHR, or you will get the more frequently DT'ing version of her, which I think also has a shit loot table.
Not a trick question really, I wasn't wondering whether blob1 is part of the warder mechanic, that I know for sure, I've spent many, many hours in VT on live. I was just unsure of whether the warders were actually implemented as on Live. Since the traps seem to have been disabled, I don't think it was unreasonable to ponder :)
Aniac wrote:
Chalne wrote:But since the mob flurries and triple attacks, a solo player would have to produce upwards of 1000dps just to cancel the debuff out. This is not realistic with the expansions available to us right now

I disagree. :twisted:
Well. When I stated that, I was under the impression that the proc could not be cured :oops: but it was probably worded really poorly. It's not realistic to produce 1000dps (or whatever is needed to cancel out blob1's proc + some surplus to move his HP bar downward) in appropriate gear. Time geared rogues might fare better, I don't know, I'm not quite there yet :P

Vex Thal

Posted: 21 May 2017 10:03
by Overseer666
Are the named in this zone supposed to be doable?
I recently attained level 65 on my wizard, and decided to try gearing up in VT a bit. I got to the first ooze named, and began nuking him. my 3k nuke took about 2% of its life, at which point it regenerated to full after about 6 seconds. That would make the mob unkillable. I'm not sure I'm doing anything wrong, but i feel that if the strongest nuke in the game can't out damage the mob's regen, then it is not soloable.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

Re: [VT] Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (blob1) unkillable solo/duo

Posted: 24 May 2017 11:10
by Barstis
VT is very much soloable, I soloed it at 60 on my necro. My guild goes through it on occasion to gear up new players to the server/our guild.

You just have to carry the radiant cure potions, sometimes it wont get mark off right away, but its possible to do.

If you want help clearing it for gear I'm always game, just give me a shout :D

-Leader of Bullet Club