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FIXED: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:51
by Chalne
I've been doing some CoV faction in the hopes of making me some armor for my Ogre/Rallos Zek warrior. However, there seems to be a bug in most PEQ derived databases (and in EQEmu in general) in how to compute the max possible faction.

I found this issue on EQEmu github:

TLDR: the race/diety bonus/penalty is added to your faction after your personal faction. This means if you have a penalty, like I do on my warrior, you will never be able to attain the max ally needed for making armor. This is not how faction works on live.

The suggested solution is to just up the max personal faction allowed to -2000/+2000, putting anyone inside ally regardless of penalties if they work hard enough.

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 15:29
by Aabam
I have max ally faction if you want me to do a turnin while you wait for this to be fixed. The resulting armor should be droppable. Shoot me a tell.


Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 19 Sep 2016 01:53
by Chalne
Thanks. I did the turn-ins I needed to do on my rogue instead. Armor and HoT quests do indeed produce attunable gear.

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 18:08
by Garlok
Wanted to bump this, since this is an issue I'm running into as well. I have factioned to the point where i can no longer improve my faction with CoV or Coldain, and yet I'm showing as only warmly on both my iksar monk and half-elf bard. I would really like to be able to do the Coldain Ring quest, so was wondering if there was any progress on this matter?

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 27 Dec 2016 10:23
by poru
This problem should be resolved soon when I compile and implement the latest binaries.

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 15:24
by Kontao
Was there any update on this? Tried logging on a couple days ago to see if my faction had shifted, and I'm still showing warmly, and I'm still not able to raise the faction any higher than that.

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 12:54
by poru
New binaries installed today.

It should be possible to raise your faction the appropriate level now.

Let me know how it goes.

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 14:43
by Kontao
I'll check it out tonight and let you know :D

Re: Claws of Veeshan faction and race/diety combo

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 11:31
by Kontao
Worked like a charm! thanks for everything!