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Silverwing, Veeshan's Peak

Posted: 20 Jul 2016 00:58
by Galinet
I had it down to 3% HPs when it charmed me and moved me out of position (my back to the nearby wall). When charm wore off, Silverwing pushed me back toward the tunnel leading to the entrance. Since I was now too far away, it healed up back to full health /grrr

Re: Silverwing, Veeshan's Peak

Posted: 21 Jul 2016 04:39
by Galinet
Didn't mean it as a rant but more of a: can the "out of range" value be increased.

Re: Silverwing, Veeshan's Peak

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 18:34
by Aniac
Silverwing is definitely the main mob you hear about as far as people having tech issues with (especially in the P1999 arena).

Silverwing was my 'gatekeeper' mob for VP so to speak. Mainly the first dragon you get to that charms, or Grav Fluxes. I died many a time to Silverwing, in part because I went to VP before I should have saves/gear wise.

I used Bark potions once to root myself right in front of Silverwing, hopeing that would negate the G-flux ride. It did negate the flux, but it was glitchy, and I ended up rooted on top of Silverwing at one point and was stuck. I think I camped out on that one.

If you have a mount, that might help with this encounter.


Re: Silverwing, Veeshan's Peak

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 16:16
by feiel
May be way late to this conversation. Unsure if it was tuned better since this but it was pretty straight forward on my last attempts. Lev really helps with any gflux that can come your way. Also.. with enough MR your less likely to be charmed.