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Armor Question

Posted: 24 Jun 2017 11:09
by Sephiroth781
As my Ranger approaches her 20's, I'm wondering where to go as far as equipment is concerned. Are the armors on the LDoN vendors in the Bazaar worth it? Which set should I be aiming for? Any other decent options?

I know I'm asking a lot, but I can't see myself using Reinforced Increndiary Armor for 45 levels...

Thanks in advance.

Re: Armor Question

Posted: 26 Jun 2017 07:00
by inwkxm
As far as LDON vendor items the Incorporeal <Slot item> of the Specter sold by the Mir vendor is pretty good to go for if you have the LDON points. It cost 1492 per slot item if you can afford it, but it should carry you into PoT till you can upgrade with items there.

Incorporeal Gauntlets of the Specter
AC:24, Sta:6, Cha:5, Afi:8, HP:75, Mana:75, FR:4, CR:4, PR:4, DR:4, MR:4, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Arms of the Specter
AC:29, Dex:6, Sta:6, Cha:6, HP:80, Mana:70, FR:7, CR:7, MR:7, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Wristband of the Specter
AC:23, Cha:4, Wis:4, Agi:6, HP:70, Mana:70, FR:3, MR:3, CR:3, PR:3, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Helm of the Specter
AC:29, Str:6, Dex:5, Sta:4, Wis:4, HP:75, Mana:75, DR:7, MR:7, PR:7, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Chain of the Specter
AC:61, Str:13, Dex:11, Wis:10, HP:100, Mana:100, FR:12, CR:12, PR:12, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Boots of the Specter
AC:24, Str:6, Dex:6, Agi:6, HP:70, Mana:80, FR:7, DR:7, PR:7, type1,type2,type3
Incorporeal Greaves of the Specter
AC:38, Sta:10, Cha:10, Wis:6, HP:85, Mana:80, DR:13, MR:13, type1,type2,type3

When I first started on my Rog there was a vendor in the bazaar that was selling Noob gear pretty cheap, but I have not seen that vendor or player on in some time. It was not super great gear but it was enough to help you get into your 30s and 40s for about 50pp per item. As I leveled and got LDON points I was about to upgrade my gear some. Once in PoT I was able to replace it from there.

Hope that helps.

Re: Armor Question

Posted: 11 Jul 2017 18:41
by Rayne
For those that don't skip straight to endgame gear (and there are many folks on CD who choose to obtain their own gear), a common and safe gear progression path is:

Crescent -> LDoN -> Planar (patterns / drops) -> Time (patterns / drops) -> Events.

Planar gear can be further broken down into Non-elemental (drops only) -> Elemental (patterns & drops). Planar means PoP zones (if you're a classic player), and not the inferior class armour drops from Hate / Fear.

Ornate patterns (from the non-elemental planes) tend to be equivalent, or even sub-par, to LDoN gear, so these patterns can be safely skipped if you've thoroughly exhausted the LDoN gear available. I've omitted them from this path for that reason.

Most people get into problems because they try to skip to the next tier (do higher content) without a full set of the previous tier, or skip a tier completely. Obviously you'll obtain other, appropriate, drops as you level. Also, don't forget to augment your gear (especially handy for building resists to a high level).

When I first started on this server, this was my path and it works fine.

Re: Armor Question

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 16:06
by chemst
Do you mean to just kill mobs to get drops, or do the CR armor quests with the patterns/mats?
I tried to give the guy a legging pattern and x4 silk, and he just ate it from me. Do these quests not work?