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??Optimal Max DPS buff and damage rotation (single target)??

Posted: 09 May 2017 12:34
by PabstObanCD1
I'm reaching out to seasoned Wizard players.

I know little to nothing about wizards... full disclosure.

I'm looking for a mini guide for a level 65 Wizard with mostly post Time gear and 300+ AA's.

Looking particularly for:
-Required Buffs for max single target DPS
-Must have drops and where to get them.
-Familiars, how and when to use them.
-Abilities and how/when to use them
-Spell/Cooldown rotation for max single target DPS.
-20,000 ft. View of strategies on post time world events.

That is all... thanks in advance!

Re: ??Optimal Max DPS buff and damage rotation (single target)??

Posted: 10 Dec 2022 10:16
by Karm
Old post, but I figured I'd necro it since there isn't any info on this.
I don't have a ton of evidence to offer, but my observations are as follows:

Spell/detrimental Haste (highest I've seen on CD is 23%, I bet there's a higher one).
Magic Damage Focus (Highest I've seen is 35%, almost certainly higher)
Ice Damage Focus (Highest I've seen is 45%)
Fire Damage Focus (Highest I've seen is 40%)

If your spells are not being resisted... your best sinngle target dps is probably going to be chain casting Shock of Magic. I like to throw in annul and Telaka if there is no other dispeller and the mob is stunnable. Because of this Magic Familiar is probably the best at first.
Black Ice might be better with the Ice familiar I don't have it.

If your spells are being resisted, then you may have better luck with a lure and the fire tears that is hard to resist

With 23% spell haste, Magic Familiar, and 35% magic focus, I can get 500-600 dps on mobs that don't resist.
With Intensity and Frenzied Devestation that goes up to 1200 or so. Would probably be higher with some more buffs.

I don't think my gear is quite maxxed out, but it's getting close.