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Class Balancing

Posted: 01 May 2017 22:01
by poru
Been parsing some logs and tweaking a few things.

Here is some hard data for the curious types:
(focus on the green "DPS Machine" line, it's the total and includes damage shields, weirdness, etc.)
(ignore the heavy "Pain and Suffering" damage, for whatever reason the rogue's melee was showing up that way until i restarted client)
(all dps is from the front, rogues will have higher dps from behind)

Time-geared Rogue no-AA:

Time-geared Rogue max-AA:

Time-geared Rogue max-AA with Rank VII (proc IV) poison:

Time-geared Rogue max-AA with Rank VII (proc IV) poison post-nerf (1 May 2017):

Time-geared Ranger max-AA with 400% Archery boost (1 May 2017):

Time-geared Shadow Knight max-AA with Rank V (proc III) poison post-nerf (1 May 2017):

Time-geared Warrior max-AA:

Time-geared Berserker max-AA:

Berserkers need some love, I think, but they're hardly the unplayable mess some would claim.

Knights will probably get their own weapon "Blessings" eventually to fine tune their DPS and be more roleplay friendly.

I'll be visiting the other classes as time permits.

If you want to speed things along, this is the type of hard data I need.

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 01 May 2017 23:11
by Stoteyripper
Thank you for taking the time to create all these characters and bring classes more in line with each other.

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 02 May 2017 10:37
by poru
Event-geared Wizard max-AA with Rank V (proc III) fire poison post-nerf (1 May 2017):

Zero poison proc/damage because I was casting the entire time (melee was on though).

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 07 May 2017 15:06
by Kikyo
Yea i was playing with Rogue/Ranger post rogue nerf and a DS build ranger (35 item with spells, sunspikes and Coat of Thistles AA) the ranger seemed to hang right up there with the *new rogue and is crazy swarm killing even with no aoe wpn. Runngin at about 135ish DS.. sweet. What Parser are you using Poru and i will test with same one.

Either way been playing with a few classes and a few tweeks that would be nifty, if just not entertaining lol
- Monks Flying kick should be PBAOE since they really have no aoe wpn and it would be hella fun lol
- BST give these poor saps a poison like other hybrids..
- A 2hander boost for zerkers or unlimited sta (long fights my zerker sta with the stun and 3X throwing skills drains STA like a boss)

From my POT runs with a few toons here is the Timestamp (if it helps any). all are solo only and potb geared with mostly resist/DS augs
- Rogue 100ish AAs can blow through PoTb in 3ish hours.
- Ranger 100ish AAs takes about 15-20 mins longer than a rouge
- Zerker 100ish AAs takes 4.5 hours =/
- Bard with 50ish AAs > failed and re-rolled some time again. will test here again with poisons.
- monk is work in progress

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 09 May 2017 16:13
by poru
Hi Kikyo,
Thanks for chipping in :)

I use GamParse

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 09 May 2017 16:33
by poru
Monks are fine, didn't have to tweak anything there.

Time-geared Monk no-AA:

Time-geared Monk max-AA:

Based on feedback and more parsing, Rangers have been dialed back just a bit to account for their powerful self-buffs and the double damage for mobs that are not moving (and not rooted).
Time-geared Ranger max-AA with 340% Archery boost, no double damage (9 May 2017):

Berserkers now go berserk at 90% health and stay berserk until 95% health.
Staying just under 95% health can be tricky on bosses but the reward is a significant dps boost.
Time-geared Berserker max-AA, berserk for entire duration:

Time-geared Berserker max-AA, no berserk:

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 09 May 2017 21:40
by poru
Beastlords are really powerful as-is.

Along with top-notch DPS they have a 65% Slow and lots of utility/versatility.

The pet did not have weapons/gear for these tests.

Time-geared Beastlord no-AA, no pet:

Time-geared Beastlord no-AA, plus pet:

Time-geared Beastlord max-AA, no pet:

Time-geared Beastlord max-AA, plus pet:

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 11 May 2017 13:41
by Kikyo
Thanks for the link, will play with the parser tonight and now i REALLY have to get back on my Zerker and try her, that looks fantastic haha.

Thanks for all the updates btw Poru!

Re: Class Balancing

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 20:09
by rdgxray
Thanks for all the great information! Makes me feel good putting in time on my zerker that he can hold his own in damage with other classes.