Drakkin Racial Quest Borked

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Drakkin Racial Quest Borked

Post by Sephiroth781 »

In order for Drakkin to get their breath weapon ability, they have to complete a series of quests. Unfortunately, this seems to be borked at the second step.

The first part is to talk the girl at the port in point (the place where you arrive via Magus Teleport). You then trigger an update near the master's pavilion in the area then talk to 2 NPC's. The first gives you his quest, the second ends the task and contains the dialog hook for the second task. This NPC is Inkeeper Fathus. When you hail him he says (as he is supposed to)...

"Vasha, (insert your name), and welcome to my little corner of our fine city of Crescent Reach. I have a fine selection of goods available and even the [council] has been known to frequent my establishment, I'm proud to say!"

You are supposed to respond with the keyword to begin the next part of the dialog. Sadly, he doesn't respond to the keyword which basically ends the quest line. Without completing this dialog, the Task to speak to the council aid doesn't trigger, which means you never get any closer to getting your racial ability. :(
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